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Discover the Best in Your Classroom and Change the Way You See the World

See the world with your class!

Take your class on a customized 2-3 week program! Educators travel FREE with 10 or more students. Let YFU build your dream classroom program. With more than 15 programs to meet diverse interests and educational goals, YFU works out all the details including finding host families/lodging, booking transportation (both domestic and international), ordering tickets for activities, scheduling classes (if selected) and finalizing details.

Bring Culture & Language Alive with YFU Exchanges!

Help your students make the world their home and introduce them to global opportunities. In addition to our Classroom programs, YFU offers your students scholarships for select programs as well as tuition-based exchanges for summer, semester and year options to 40+ destinations.

Study Abroad with YFU and gain the skills and knowledge necessary to compete in a quickly changing world.


  • Our cultural exchange programs provide the ultimate reality check to a world-view based on stereotypes. In helping people of all ages to make the world their home, participants learn to appreciate differences and embrace similarities.
  • YFU provides students and families with the support, logistics and tools for a safe exchange experience. We're there with you every step of the way.
  • Receive support from local, trained, Area Representatives and YFU staff once your group is overseas to help with adjustment and support for the length of the exchange.
"The world is much BIGGER and more beautiful than one can read in books or see in movies. YFU opened my eyes to this world. Employers and professionals see me as an open-minded, educated and well-rounded human being."

Over the last 65 years, YFU has exchanged more than 260,000 American and international students and is one of the oldest and largest non-profit international exchange organizations in the world.

YFU has remained a trusted leader of intercultural exchange programs since 1951 because of its commitment to safety, reputation for quality, and exceptional support services.