Study in Brazil
Choose Your Program

YFU students can choose to begin their year-long exchange program in either January or August. During your time in Brazil, you will live with a host family and attend a local high school. Brazil is a large and diverse country and while YFU students may be placed anywhere in the country, all students are sure to expect warm and welcoming host families.

2025 Spring Year Late January Early January $13,995
2025 Fall Year Mid-August Early July $13,995
  • Placement with a host family
  • Enrollment in a local Brazilian high school (excluding summer students)
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post-arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Brazil Area Representative while on the program
  • Comprehensive insurance

You’ll find that your school in Brazil will be academically challenging, but also a great place to make friends! Because Brazil is in the southern hemisphere, school begins in February and goes on until the following January. Students starting their program in August will begin at the second-semester mark. Students enrolled in a private school may be required to pay an additional enrollment fee. YFU will contact the student and natural parents prior to enrolling a student in a private high school with tuition.

All students applying for the year program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation, which usually takes place in mid-July (or early December for Spring programs). This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

While in Brazil, students will have an arrival orientation, a mid-year orientation, and at the end of the program, students come together for a re-entry orientation to reflect on their experiences. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.

As high schools in Brazil do not typically offer extracurriculars, students are encouraged to join private institutions that offer courses such as languages, sports, karate, aerobics, musical instruments, drama, etc.

Year program students will also usually have the option of participating in a number of educational trips and excursions during their stay, at an additional cost.

Cultural Trip: A few trips are arranged by a travel agency that specializes in excursions for exchange students and has included tours of Pantanal and Bonito, the Northeast coast, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Iguaçu Falls, southern Brazil, and the Amazon. Each trip varies in cost, depending on the distance and length of the trip, and requires your host family’s permission, but most are generally offered during school holidays. All will offer you the opportunity to see a unique and different part of Brazil from your homestay location, enriching your experience and offering a deeper understanding of the country. More information about these trips will be provided upon arrival in Brazil.

  • 2025 Fall Departures: Students born November 30, 2007 – August 1, 2010.
  • 2025 Spring Departures: Students born January 28, 2007 – June 30, 2010.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.

Portuguese. Previous language study is not required.

YFU host families may be anywhere in the country, in small towns, rural, or suburban areas. Students are rarely placed in large urban centers.

YFU students can choose to begin their semester exchange program in either January or August. During your time in Brazil, you will live with a host family and attend a local high school. Brazil is a large and diverse country and while YFU students may be placed anywhere in the country, all students are sure to expect warm and welcoming host families.

2025 Spring Semester Late January Late June $12,095
2025 Fall Semester Early August Early January $13,095
  • Placement with a host family
  • Enrollment in a local Brazilian high school (excluding summer students)
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post-arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Brazil Area Representative while on the program
  • Comprehensive insurance

You’ll find that your school in Brazil will be academically challenging, but also a great place to make friends! Because Brazil is in the southern hemisphere, school begins in February and goes on until the following January. Students starting their program in August will begin at the second-semester mark. Students enrolled in a private school may be required to pay an additional enrollment fee. YFU will contact the student and natural parents prior to enrolling a student in a private high school with tuition.

All students applying for the year program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation, which usually takes place in mid-July (or early December for Spring programs). This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

While in Brazil, students will have an arrival orientation, a mid-year orientation, and at the end of the program, students come together for a re-entry orientation to reflect on their experiences. All orientation costs are included in program tuition.

As high schools in Brazil do not typically offer extracurriculars, students are encouraged to join private institutions that offer courses such as languages, sports, karate, aerobics, musical instruments, drama, etc.

Year program students will also usually have the option of participating in a number of educational trips and excursions during their stay, at an additional cost.

Cultural Trip: A few trips are arranged by a travel agency that specializes in excursions for exchange students and has included tours of Pantanal and Bonito, the Northeast coast, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Iguaçu Falls, southern Brazil, and the Amazon. Each trip varies in cost, depending on the distance and length of the trip, and requires your host family’s permission, but most are generally offered during school holidays. All will offer you the opportunity to see a unique and different part of Brazil from your homestay location, enriching your experience and offering a deeper understanding of the country. More information about these trips will be provided upon arrival in Brazil.

  • 2025 Fall Departures: Students born November 30, 2007 – August 1, 2010.
  • 2025 Spring Departures: Students born January 28, 2007 – June 30, 2010.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.

Portuguese. Previous language study is not required.

YFU host families may be anywhere in the country, in small towns, rural, or suburban areas. Students are rarely placed in large urban centers.

During your time in Brazil, you will live with a host family and attend online Portuguese lessons with your fellow YFU students. Brazil is a large and diverse country and while YFU students may be placed anywhere in the country, all students are sure to expect warm and welcoming host families.

2025 Short-Term Summer Late June Early August TBD

On this summer program (which is winter in Brazil), students live with a local volunteer host family and immerse themselves in Brazil’s unique culture. Students are enrolled in an online Portuguese language course according to their level.

  • Placement with a host family
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post-arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Brazil Area Representative while on the program
  • Comprehensive insurance

All summer students will participate in an online pre-departure orientation along with their families in May or June.

For an additional cost, summer program students will also have the option of participating in a trip to Rio de Janeiro with their fellow YFU participants. Included in the cost are accommodation in a hotel, breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as tickets to the tour visits.

Day 1. Arrival

Day 2. Cultural tour (historical Rio de Janeiro) / Sambódromo / Maracanã Stadium / Sugar Loaf

Day 3. Museum of Tomorrow / Fort of Copacabana

Day 4. Christ the Redeemer / Ipanema Beach / Samba and Funk class

Day 5. Departure

  • 2025 Summer Departures: TBD
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis.

Portuguese. Previous language study is not required. Students will attend online language classes while on program.

YFU host families may be anywhere in the country, in small towns, rural, or suburban areas. Students are rarely placed in large urban centers.

Study Abroad Participants
What to Expect

Olá! Get a taste of the Brazilian culture by exploring the samba-filled streets of Rio de Janeiro and the sun-drenched beaches of Copacabana. Brazil will not disappoint you with its diverse geography and unique traditions.

You’ll live like a Brazilian, gathering with your host family for meals and enjoying dishes like churrasco or feijoada. Along with the famous Carnival, you will experience diverse music and dancing scenes, as well as futebol (soccer), the national pastime of Brazil. You will also enjoy other fun activities such as boating, volleyball, and basketball. More relaxing pastimes include going to the beach, swimming in sparkling pools and waterfalls, or simply hanging out in a café and chatting with friends. In addition to all the fun you’ll have, the exceptional quality and constant improvement of Brazilian education will challenge you academically.

No matter your interests, your exchange in Brazil will be the adventure of a lifetime!

To learn more, please visit our Scholarships Page to find details on the following scholarships eligible for Brazil:

YFU Legacy Grant
YFU Financial Aid Fund
Jason Pollington Latin American Scholarship

Applications for tuition-based programs must be submitted by October 1 for winter/spring departure programs and April 15 for summer and fall. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending upon availability.

Visa Information
Information regarding visas and other immigration processes will be provided upon enrollment. To learn more, visit the Embassy of Brazil website.

Additional Costs
Students are responsible for covering all costs for obtaining a visa and/or residence permit. Students will need to pay a fee to register with the Federal Police upon arrival. Students must also cover the cost of textbooks and a school uniform if necessary. Program tuition does not include personal spending money.

Important Information
YFU Brazil cannot guarantee that students will be able to obtain a report card or transcript from their local Brazilian high school. However, the schools should at least be able to provide a letter certifying attendance.

From the samba-filled streets and sun-drenched beaches of Rio de Janeiro to the intricate web of rivers and jungles of the Amazon, there’s always something new to explore in beautiful Brazil!

Have questions or want to learn more about YFU Study Abroad Programs?

YFU and Toyota Manufacturing blessed me, a small town girl from eastern Kentucky, with a rare opportunity to travel to and actually live in a foreign country. During that brief summer abroad, I tried new food dishes, exchanged ideas and opinions with my amazing host family, and explored new cities. The YFU program is much more than just an international trip…it is a chance to grow as person and can provide a springboard for future opportunities!
