Study in Finland
Choose Your Program

During your stay in Finland, you will live with a host family and attend a local high school.

2025 Fall Year Early August Late June $14,995
  • Placement with a carefully selected host family
  • Enrollment in a local Finnish high school
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post-arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Finland Area Representative while on program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Finnish schools are some of the best in the world. The schools are modern and teaching methods are relaxed but effective. You will attend lukio (high school), where you’ll pick from subjects such as social sciences, mathematical and computer-related studies, physical education, a wide range of languages (including Finnish, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, and Russian, depending on the school), as well as arts and special courses. Information technology is also a popular subject in many Finnish schools. Finnish schools use a system of periods, and this means that students take individual courses, up to 6 per period, and one school year is typically 5 periods.

All students applying for the year program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July or early-mid December (Spring programs). This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place online, dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Additionally, students receive a 3-day orientation upon arrival, which includes an introduction to the Finnish language and an overview of what to expect in their program. Year students also attend a local mid-year orientation in January or February.

Finnish high schools generally do not offer extracurriculars. However, YFU students are encouraged to join sports, clubs, and teams available in their communities!

Finnish programs also include the option to participate in optional trips and excursions at an additional cost:

Trip to Tallinn, Estonia: While in Finland, students may have the opportunity to travel to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, for a 2-night trip in the Fall. You will have a chance to explore the lovely medieval town in the midst of winter preparation and Christmas.

Trip to Lapland: In the spring (typically March), students may also have the opportunity to visit Lapland, a region above the Arctic Circle where you can expect to experience a very different landscape as well as a different way of life. You may get a chance to ski, visit a reindeer farm, and maybe even see the Northern Lights.

  • 2025 Fall Departures: Students born January 1, 2008 – September 30, 2009
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate from high school before the start of their program are not likely to be accepted into the Finnish Programs.

Finland has two official languages: Finnish and Swedish. Students must be fluent in English and are encouraged to have a minimum of 1 year of study in Finnish or Swedish. Must have a minimum of four years of English studies.

Host families live throughout Finland in rural, suburban, or urban areas and may speak Finnish or Swedish. Most students are placed in the countryside or in medium-sized towns.

During your stay in Finland, you will live with a host family and attend a local high school.

2025 Fall Semester Early August Early January $13,995
2025 Spring Semester Early January Late June $13,995
  • Placement with a carefully selected host family
  • Enrollment in a local Finnish high school
  • Airport transfers
  • Domestic and international travel
  • All pre-departure and post-arrival orientations
  • Pre-program support by trained YFU staff
  • Support from a YFU Finland Area Representative while on the program
  • Comprehensive insurance

Finnish schools are some of the best in the world. The schools are modern and teaching methods are relaxed but effective. You will attend lukio (high school), where you’ll pick from subjects such as social sciences, mathematical and computer-related studies, physical education, a wide range of languages (including Finnish, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, and Russian, depending on the school), as well as arts and special courses. Information technology is also a popular subject in many Finnish schools. Finnish schools use a system of periods. This means that students take individual courses, up to 6 per period, and one school year is typically 5 periods.

All students applying for the semester program must be available for a mandatory 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation*, which usually takes place in mid-July or early-mid December (Spring programs). This orientation is a required part of the program aimed at preparing students for their experience overseas.

*Due to COVID-19, the 3-day National Pre-Departure Orientation described above may take place online, dependent upon recommended guidelines at the time of the event. YFU will continue to assess the situation as it develops.

Fall semester students receive a 3-day orientation upon arrival to include an introduction to the Finnish language and an overview of what to expect on their program. Students also attend a local 1-day re-entry orientation at the end of their program. Spring semester students will attend an arrival camp shortly after arriving in Finland.

Finnish high schools generally do not offer extracurriculars. However, YFU students are encouraged to join sports, clubs, and teams available in their communities!

Finnish programs also include the option to participate in optional trips and excursions at an additional cost:

Trip to Tallinn, Estonia: While in Finland, students may have the opportunity to travel to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, for a 2-night trip in the Fall. You will have a chance to explore the lovely medieval town in the midst of winter preparation and Christmas.

Trip to Lapland: In the spring (typically March), students may also have the opportunity to visit Lapland, a region above the Arctic Circle where you can expect to experience a very different landscape as well as a different way of life. You may get a chance to ski, visit a reindeer farm, and maybe even see the Northern Lights.

  • 2025 Fall Departures: Students born January 1, 2008 – September 30, 2009.
  • 2025 Spring Departures: Students born June 30, 2007 – April 30, 2009.
  • Students who do not meet this age requirement or will graduate from high school before the start of their program are not likely to be accepted into the Finnish Programs.

Finland has two official languages: Finnish and Swedish. Students must be fluent in English and are encouraged to have a minimum of 1 year of study in Finnish or Swedish. Must have a minimum of four years of English studies.

Host families live throughout Finland in rural, suburban, or urban areas and may speak Finnish or Swedish. Most students are placed in the countryside or in medium-sized towns.

Study Abroad Participants
What to Expect

Hyvää päivää or “good day”! With a combination of urban areas, green forests, and fresh air, Finland is the perfect natural beauty for you to explore with YFU!

Finland is home to thousands of lakes and winter snow, represented by the blue and white colors of the Finnish flag. Popular among Finnish families are country cottages to retreat to during July and August and saunas, which are often attached to their homes. Finnish families get together on weekends to visit lakeside cottages or forest cabins, often watching and playing sports like ice hockey, skiing, soccer, and track and field. Theater is also a fun Finnish activity, with many professional and amateur acting groups offering regular performances.

The Finnish school system is considered one of the top in the world, affording students a chance at a challenging curriculum that has both breadth and depth. Students must complete required core classes, yet there are many optional classes that allow each student to investigate the subjects that interest them most. You can be sure that studying in Finland will be both challenging and rewarding!

YFU USA is proud to send over 200 American students on cultural exchange with a full or partial scholarship each year. Financial assistance may be in the form of a merit-based scholarship, need-based financial aid, or Legacy Grant for students who are previously involved in the YFU Community. Scholarships may vary in deadline, requirements, and eligibility. To learn more, please visit our Scholarships Page to find details on the following scholarships eligible for Finland:

YFU Legacy Grant
YFU Financial Aid Fund

Applications for Spring/Winter programs must be submitted by September 1 for review. Summer and Fall departure program applications are due February 28.

Visa Information
Information regarding visas and other immigration processes will be provided upon enrollment.

Additional Costs
Program tuition does not include visa costs or related expenses, personal spending money, or school-related costs such as books, transportation, and school trips.

Important Info
Students are required to bring a personal laptop to use for schooling.

The snowy Finnish winter provides an excellent opportunity for winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice hockey throughout the country. But what many people don’t realize is that Finland has relatively warm summers. Finnish Lapland is home to the midnight sun when the sun doesn’t set at all for two months!

Have questions or want to learn more about YFU Study Abroad Programs?

I lived in a small town called Piikkiö, right outside of a larger city, Turku. My host parents and siblings were so welcoming and truly made me feel like part of the family. I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who is considering it. It will change your life and make you think differently about yourself and the world around you.
